Consider the Products:
Most companies that market their products through distributors have quality competitive prices. On the other hand some companies are way overpriced have questionable values and are absolutely unsafe.
Practically every service or product that can be sold through multilevel marketing, which includes health, beauty, fitness and other products that aren’t available on store shelves. Requires you to be very skeptical before buying or selling their products that are advertised as super ingredients or have guaranteed results. Most of these quick fix solutions are unproven, and marketed fraudulently because they are basically useless. In many cases they could be very dangerous. You should always check with professionals before using any of them-or selling them.
If you decide to join a program and promote the products, you must be sure that the network marketing information is truthful and that there’s good evidence to back up the claims You are making. This means that before using any claims and repeating what the company has said about a product verify that there’s competent and reliable research to back up their claims.
Learn More about the Company:
Study and research the company’s track record conduct a progressive Internet search with the name of the company using keywords like review, scam, or complaint. Scan several pages of search results. Also research the company in newspapers magazines and other areas.
It’s extremely important to find out:
• Has the Company Been Sued for Deceptive Practices
• Do They Have a Positive Reputation for Customer Satisfaction
• How Long Has the Company Been Active
• What’s the Word on the Street about the Company’s Product on Blogs and Websites
Search for information with the state attorney general’s office for complaints about any company you are considering even though a lack of complaints doesn’t always guarantee that a company is legitimate.
Evaluate the Plan:
Never sign a contract or pay for anything at an “opportunity meeting”. Consider your options take time think about your decision remember real money is involved in your investment, so don’t rush into it without doing some research first. Don’t feel pressured!
Go to the person that is sponsoring you in that network marketing business and ask about the terms and conditions of the plan, which include:
1. Future Costs
2. How the Compensation Is Structured
3. Evidence for the Statements about How Much Money You Can Make
4. Precise Name and Contact Information of Company Representatives Able to Answer All Your Questions
Make sure you get everything in writing. Never join any program where the reward for recruiting new people is more than that for selling the product. The latter is a tip off to a pyramid scheme! Not a true network marketing company.
Always remember that when you recruit new distributors to your marketing organization, you are responsible for the claims you make about how much money they can earn. Always be realistic and honest. Because of your promises fall through, you will be held liable. This is the case even if you are repeating claims you read in a company brochure or heard them from another distributor.
If something is unclear, always ask for more information until it is crystal clear to you. The network marketing information from your sponsor and other distributors in the organization should answer all of your questions. Your sponsor and others above your sponsor’s level make money if you join the program. So it’s imperative that you take your time resist the pressure to join. Never rely on hearsay references about payments from the company or distributors that pretend they were successfully earning money through the network marketing plan.
Research Refund Policies:
Make sure any refund policy is in writing, includes information about returning unused products, restrictions and penalties. You might think you’re minimizing your risk if you can return a product but some policies differ on whether you’ll get a full refund and how long it might take. Some network marketing companies require that you buy network marketing information on training or marketing materials possibly asking you to pay for seminars in order to get discounts or to create your own network distributors. Ask other distributors how much time and money they have spent on their training, network marketing materials, and seminars on network marketing information when they joined. Ask whether you are required to participate in periodic training programs and what happens if you decide not to.