Are you considering joining a network marketing company (aka: multilevel marketing)? Are you already involved in one and things are not going as you hoped they would after months of effort? This article was written to share some things you need to know and consider about network marketing before you dive in or dive too deeply. Let’s discuss the truth about network marketing.
Let me guess. You were like countless thousands of other people (perhaps millions) that just wanted to get out of the daily grind and the “rat race.” You did some Google searching on “work from home business opportunities” or “work for yourself,” or perhaps “make money online.” I know. I have done the same thing MANY times. Perhaps you found countless opportunities to opt-in with your email in order to get a FREE e-book or video series telling you how to make thousands per month in some awesome network marketing company. You read the e-book or viewed the videos with interest only to find out the information was very generic and useless. Then, to make matters worse, within the e-book you were constantly hit with several pitches to “click here” for the real information. That click took you to a website where you could join the network marketing company, on the fast track, for a mere $597! Hopefully you were smarter than me and did not join.
Maybe you signed up to sit in on an “awesome big money webinar” hosted by some dude claiming to earn $30,000 each month on the internet. Yes, just two years ago he was a homeless drug addict with 4 kids from 3 different women. But today he is bringing in the BIG money! So, you sat in for almost 2 hours only to find that at the end of the webinar you were offered an exclusive “today only special offer” to purchase his training course. The course was ONLY $497 (or MUCH higher) and would virtually guarantee you that if you followed the steps and principles you would be making huge money in just a month or so.
Hopefully you didn’t buy it. But the hype on the webinar was so tempting that maybe you did buy. I did. Many times on many “opportunities.” I lost literally thousands of dollars over a 7 year span. Yes, this is why I call myself “the once-upon-a-time dumbest man in network marketing.” Everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, these internet gurus teach for $497 or more is available for FREE on YouTube. is the place where people are happy to teach anything literally for free. But I was once too dumb to realize this! You just have to know what to search for.
Maybe neither of the above scenarios happened to you because, thankfully, you got to this article before you made the mistake that I (and countless thousands) have made. Be happy about that! Your finding this article has possibly just saved you many thousands of dollars (and HUGE discouragement).
You may be reading this because a caring friend has been talking to you about his or her business opportunity. They’ve asked you to consider partnering with them in their multi-million dollar company. Because you are smart, though, you are doing some research into whether or not network marketing (aka: multilevel marketing) is a good fit for you. Good call!
A Brief History of Network Marketing
Network marketing basically started out decades ago as a business opportunity in which friends invited other friends to their homes for a meeting. Once the meeting started some exuberant associate /distributor would draw circles on a grease board and explain how the circles represented people. Every circle under YOU meant BIG money to you. This high-pressure approach put friends in uncomfortable positions. Most people just wanted to sneak out graciously while others were too kind to do that so they joined just to help the friend that invited them. They purchased a kit and a few products and never did a thing beyond that. Of the thousands upon thousands of people who joined these business opportunities over 95% never earned a dime. They hated having to invite their friends to these meetings and so they were doomed to failure. It’s no different today. People do not want to invite their friends and family to a network marketing meeting. And no matter how awesome the opportunity is in your eyes, over 95% of the people you recruit will never invite anyone to these types of meetings. That’s how it was then and it is how it is now.